Forum Discussion

RothHensley's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Check the box when either Date1 or Date2 has an entry.

I want my formula checkbox "checked' when either Date1 or Date2 has an entry.  What's wrong with the formula below?

not IsNull([Date1]) or not IsNull([Date2])

Roth Hensley
  • Can you tell us the field type of [Date1] and [Date2].  If they are in fact date field types then your formula is correct.  If they are in fact text fields, I guess the question is why are they are text fields and not actual date fields but assuming they are text fields and you want them to be text fields you would have to test like this.  

    Trim([Date1]) <>"" or Trim([Date2]) <> ""

    If in fact these two fields are taped date fields then post back here but your formula does look correct.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • RothHensley's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thanks for the quick confirmation.  The formula does work.  I had grouped the answer in such  a way that I the affirmatives were only found on page 11.

      Roth Hensley