Forum Discussion

WesMcAda4's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Checkbox Formula - field does not contain text

working with "Contains".
Example: If(Contains(ToText([Approvals Needed:]),"Quality Assurance") and Contains([Approvals Logged],"Quality Assurance"),true)

However, I cannot figure out how to change it to work from the condition that the field "does not contain" something.
Example using "excludes" as the opposite: If(Exludes(ToText([Approvals Needed:]),"Sales"),true)

_I do not know how to write this where not having certain text included in the field is the condition. Any help?

Thank you~

1 Reply

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    Not 100% on this, but try:

    If(Contains([My Field], "Banana")=false, "Yes there are no Bananas", "No there are no bananas")

    Does that make sense?

    Basically asking if the contains is false, rather than asking if its true.

    (Might work)