Forum Discussion

MeganWerenski's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Checkbox Formula

Hi, I have created a form for our employees to complete when we take on a new customer. I have a multi-select question (Is vendor New or Existing? A: New, B: Existing). If the vendor is New, I would like them to either check or uncheck "New vendor form submitted for your account". If vendor is existing, I would like them to either check/uncheck "Broker change process completed". I believe a checkbox formula is needed but I am unsure how to create this. 

To simply put, the check box question will be dependent on the previous answer (new/existing customer). I do not want both checkboxes to be available.


Megan Robb
  • This sounds like a form rule as opposed to a formula. I would also recommend changing the value from a multi select to a simple dropdown - a multi select would allow the user to select that they are both new and existing which both can't be true. 

    In your actual scenario though - you would create 2 form rules - 

    Form Rule 1: When Customer is New - show New Vendor Form field

    Form Rule 2: When customer is existing - show broker field. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • MeganWerenski's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thank you Chayce, this is exactly what I was looking for!

      Megan Werenski