Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Clickable Link In Report Link

I've done this before successfully, so I am not sure what my error is. I am making a clickable link (Rich Text Field) and using that field in a report link. It typically works fine, but this time when I click on the link, it is simultaneously opening the record (as it would if you typically clicked along the record entry). What is my error that is causing this?

var text AmountText = "$" & ToFormattedText([Vendor Subcontract - Total Amount from Invoiced Projects],"comma_dot");

var number Amount = [Vendor Subcontract - Total Amount from Invoiced Projects];

var number Subcontract = [Vendor Subcontract - Total With Mods];

var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" & "brgx8j65y?a=dr&dfid=11&rid=" & [Record ID#];

$Amount<$Subcontract, $AmountText,

"<a class='OpenAsPopup' data-height=500 data-width=700 span style=\"background: Yellow; color: Red; text-align: center; font-size: 12px \"href='"
& $URL
& "'><b>" & $AmountText & " (Click for Details)</span></a>")

Mike Tamoush

2 Replies

  • When you have a rich text field and are using the old report style or using our report embedded on a form which is the old report style then clicking anywhere on the record will open the record. So you need to turn off the checkbox on the report which allows viewing the record.

    That way when you click on a field on the record it will not open the record in addition to opening up the hyperlink.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I guess the other time I did it I actually had made a button, and it looks like if you click dead center of the button you can open the Pop Up without entering the record, but it definitely is sensitive. If I click near the edge of the button it doesn't work the same. And the button essentially has to be 2 lines high so you can really be in the middle.

      Mike Tamoush