Forum Discussion

GauriPhansikar's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Code not triggering pre-set rule

Hi everyone. I have defined a rule to hide/ unhide a tab based on if a checkbox field was checked/ unchecked. But I am checking the box through a manually written JS code. When I click the checkbox individually, the rule is triggered but not when the box is checked through code. Can anyone help me with it?

2 Replies

  • I would not mix (1) natives rules and (2) JavaScript to control the same feature. Use a 100% native solution or 100% JavaScript solution. Even when you use JavaScript rather than directly manipulating the DOM it is better practice to emulate user input such as trigger a click event on a native button or link.
    • GauriPhansikar's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you for your quick response. I will keep your advice in mind.