Hi everyone! I am asking for someone to help me with a formula - rich text code if possible to color code notifications. To clarify, there will be a start date and 7 days out from that date if the ...
Amy, I have done something similar by changing the background color of fields based on a project status. You could modify this to show the cleaner "button" look you show using the typical HTML for buttons and just not have it link to anything, but this should give you a start.
var number DaysLeft = ToDays(Today()-[Final Report Due]);
If($DaysLeft<-7, "<div style=\"background-color:GreenYellow;\">"&Abs($DaysLeft) & " Days Remaining"&"</div>", If($DaysLeft<-1, "<div style=\"background-color:Gold;\">"&Abs($DaysLeft) & " Days Remaining"&"</div>", If($DaysLeft=-1, "<div style=\"background-color:Orange;\">"&"Report due Tomorrow"&"</div>", If($DaysLeft=0, "<div style=\"background-color:Yellow; color:IndianRed;\">"&"Report due TODAY"&"</div>", If($DaysLeft>0, "<div style=\"background-color:white; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; color:red\">"&"Report OVERDUE"&"</div>")))))
It would end up looking something like this (content does not match formula excerpt above, but format does).
Thank you so much for your help! I greatly appreciate your help. The only question I have is - can there be a way for the notifications to not show if something is completed and/or checked?