2 years agoQrew Trainee
Color Coding Fields: Duration
I want to color code a field within a report, but the field is a Duration Type. Currently I am color coding within the report instead of just the field, but it's too much color and doesn't convey what I am needing. I am trying to give a heat map type look for a duration field. Does anyone know how to apply this color coding scheme within this field:
Field Formula: Days In Discovery
Today() - ToDate([Discovery Timestamp])
Color Coding Formula:
var number DaysInDiscovery = ToDays([Days in Discovery]);
$DaysInDiscovery >=45 and $DaysInDiscovery <= 60, "#74A235",
$DaysInDiscovery>=61 and $DaysInDiscovery <= 90, "#90B433",
$DaysInDiscovery>=91 and $DaysInDiscovery <= 120, "FFED44",
$DaysInDiscovery>=121 and $DaysInDiscovery <= 180, "F9A900",
$DaysInDiscovery >=181, "FF1100")
Elizabeth Schlagel