Forum Discussion

IvanWeiss's avatar
Qrew Captain
5 years ago

Color Coding Timeline

I would like to add some color coding to the timeline but do not see an option in the timeline builder to do it.  Is there a way?

We have a master Gantt chart prepopulated with tasks for the entire project.  I have a task status as Future, In Progress, Complete.  I want the future tasks to be gray in font color so they are present but not in your phase.  Anything overdue I want to color code as red.  

If I cant do this I might need to switch to a table report, but I would prefer a Gantt chart.  Just helps visualize the impact of future tasks with delays for my team.

5 Replies

  • Hi Ivan, I haven't found a way to change the color of the font or the bars in a Timeline report. On my Task Timeline report, I used a Status Icon field to show a visual indication of the status of the Task. My Status Icon field is called S (so it takes up very little column space) and is a Rich Text field that displays a 16x16 image based on the Status and the due date. I'll post the code and a screenshot in a bit.
    • MindaMay's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      In case you like this idea, here's the code of the Rich Text formula field called S.

      //This field takes the info in the Status, Overdue, and Needed fields and uses it to display a status bubble. The images are stored in the Images table of this Quick Base app. Red Square = Overdue, Yellow Square = Due Today, Gray Square = Due Later, Blue Circle = In Progress, Explosion = Issue, Gray X = Canceled, Blue Checkmark = Complete
      var text status=[Status];
      var text due=[Overdue];
      var bool needed=[Needed];

      If($needed=true and $status="Not Started" and $due="Overdue", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/due.png\">";,
      If($needed=true and $status="Not Started" and $due="Due Today", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/duetod.png\">";,
      If($needed=true and $status="In Progress", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/doing2.png\">";,
      If($needed=true and $status="Issue", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/issue1.png\">";,
      If($needed=true and $status="Not Started", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/needed.png\">";,
      If($status="Complete", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/done.png\">";,
      If($status="Canceled", "<img src=\"theURLofTheImageIsHere/x.png\">";,

      Also, I hear that several Quick Base Solution Providers offer an add on that allows you to customize gantt charts.
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Awesome idea, thanks so much for posting the code!