Forum Discussion

JeffreyWeide's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Combining a Date field and Time field for Date/Time field to use in iCal field

Hi there, everyone. 

Not used to the nuances of dates and times in QB yet. From our client, we get requests for a date, time, and duration to work a site we will work. I have these items in my current scheduler, but I was hoping to auto-generate iCal for staff using the iCal function in QB using data. For the Start and End time fields in the iCal, it needs a Date/Time field. So, is there a way to:

1) Combine the Date and Arrival time to create a start time field &
2) Combine the Date, Arrival time, and Duration (in hours) to create an end time field

Jeffrey Weide
  • Update, figured that out using the ToTimestamp function, but just have to adjust since the company is based out of EST and clients are in MST. Any ideas on best way to verify timezones on time data?

    Jeffrey Weide
    • JeffPeterson1's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Try this:  [your timestamp in EST]-Hours(2)

      Jeff Peterson
      • JeffreyWeide's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        Thanks! It actually required +2 hours to make it match in mountain time (so 8:00a MDT would be 10:00a EDT).

        Jeffrey Weide