Community Tip Jar: Keeping your App Fit
As a Community there are so many awesome ideas floating around and great techniques that builders come up with to help them be even more efficient and it is great to see what everyone has to share. Take a quick minute and share a tip below from your experience building an app. Now if you are eager to share your expertise this is where you can stop reading if you like and jump right into the reply box to share your own tips, scroll down to the other replies to see others tips, or keep reading to see my tip below.
My Tip for Keeping Your App Fit
I'll start off with a few tips I use pretty regularly in my own apps (and used quite a bit back in my Care days) to help keep my apps organized. Sometimes the first thing you need to do to get your App fit is to put it on the scale and see how it weighs in so you can figure out where you want to focus.App Management Tools
Using the built in App Management tools for your applications you can find out important details about your app including when tables were created, how many records they have, what your app structure looks like, and even see an overview of all of your notifications and file attachments. These tools can be great when you are trying to get more familiar with your app or when it comes time to start building your app out and trimming out tables and relationships you are no longer using.
Finding your App Management tools is pretty easy, from your Home page for your app you can clicking on the app settings and then in the far left column under 'Advanced Features' you can find App Management. From there you can get all kinds of information on your App Statistics and Manage Your App Content. If you haven't spent time getting familiar with these tools now is a great time to explore the info that you have access to!
Relationship Diagram
For my tip I am going to focus on the Relationship Diagram option under your App Management Tool. The Relationship Diagram is a drag and drop diagram that shows you the tables on your application and how they all relate. When you first open it if you have a big app it can be a little intimidating as all the tables and the lines between them appear but with drag and drop you get pull your tables around to get them in an order that makes sense and then save the layout for the future. Now you have a birds eye view of your tables and their relationships that you can come back to and reference whenever you need to plan for changes.
Happy New Year and good luck builders! I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome tips.
Evan Martinez
Community Marketing Manager
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