Forum Discussion

EvanMartinez's avatar
Qrew Elite
5 years ago

Community Tip Jar: Working Remote and Connecting With Your Teams

The last few weeks a lot of industries and offices have been learning what it means to be pivot fast and suddenly move from the normal cadence of working face to face in an office to working remote. This means juggling all your tools like chat, email, and video calls to still stay connected while also working on having the right space set aside at home to help you focus and flourish. For me it has also been a bit about making sure to unplug my eyes and my brain a bit as so much time inside has meant a lot of screen time both on and off the work schedule. 

For this month for our Community Tip Jar we are going to shift a bit from just technical Quick Base best practices to also look for the communities great ideas to help with working from home and keeping a team connected. This can also include making sure your team still feels connected and plugged in with so many things jumping for their attention. There is no specific requirements to include a Quick Base tip or advice, this could be everything from ideas to help organize your home work space, to ways to communicate and set expectations, to even advice for helping to keep that all important balance. So lets kick off this March's Community Tip Jar with awesome advice from you are community on working from home. 

Zoom Time Checkins

One thing I've been trying to make sure I do from time to time is check in with the people I usually get to see and work with in the office. Whether this is finding a quick 15 minutes in the morning to say hello and compare calendars and priorities or grab lunch with someone and chat about ideas. To help make sure I'm talking to people outside of my own home and checking in with those people I'm so used to getting to see face to face I've been fitting in short zoom calls and for lunches even just setting up a zoom room on a random day of the week and inviting a group of my coworkers to drop in and say hi, touch base and ask any questions. 

Question of the Day

Another random way to touch base with your coworkers and get to connect with others if you are finding yourself a little cooped up at home is to create a question of the day or riddle of day. In office we have had a long running tradition of animal based jokes or riddles going up on a whiteboard in the morning. For now instead I've spun up a quick little question of the day app to have people drop in and share their thoughts on a new topic each day, including ones that were suggested by the participants. The last few have also been on hobbies and media that people like so as a bonus I've been able to add a new tv show to watch and a few new songs to my playlist to help me get pumped while I'm heads down working suggested by my coworkers. 

I can't wait to hear your tips and tricks for working from home and keeping your teams cohesive and connected during all this change.

Evan Martinez
Community Marketing Manager
Quick Base

10 Replies

  • I've been writing about remote working for a lot of years. I started having large elements of my work be remote as far back as 1997 so I've had the benefit of making small tweaks over time and can now pay it forward. Here's my most recent article: "Preparing Your Home for Remote Working During the Coronavirus (covid-19)". Here is one tip from that article: "If you need 1-1 check-ins, schedule them. Don't assume someone is going to stop by regularly; make that happen."

    In addition to being a low-code developer I'm also a a networking expert with lots of access to Cisco CCIE resources and the like. If any enterprises are looking for contingent resources, please let me know. I'm not a recruiter, I make no money from referrals. Just happy to pay it forward. I'm in the grateful position of being helpful during this crisis.

    Trevor Textor
  • For us our culture is a major part of our company success.  As the COO I established a very strong plan about this when it started to become clear that work from home was going to be a real thing.  Video chats went mandatory.  We do a happy hour Team wide every Fri at 4:30.  It is a great way to signal it is the end of the work week, socialize with your colleagues, and really unwind a bit from the stress of it all.

    We also maintain all meetings and development ideas we were working on just remote.  Every other Wednesday we do a learning lunch called Whiteboard Wednesday.  We are maintaining it, just via video conference.  I think the key is to encourage the social touches.  Dont be a stickler for starting the meeting promptly (I used to be), but right now I encourage a few minutes of office chatter at the start of the meeting....

    I also find from a leadership perspective constant communication about the situation is essential too.

    Ivan Weiss
  • Daily (or every other day) team meetings, with a fun icebreaker-type question at the end. Everyone has to share their video - super important! Since we don't get face-to-face time in the office, seeing each other on the screen helps us stay connected.

    Kelly Hayes
  • I love the idea of the question of the day.  I have tried to get over my camera-shyness and included video in my meetings.  It really helps.

    Kim Gaston
    • JanetMahan's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      To work remotely, organization and effective communication are the key.  For me, I end the day updating my daily 'To Do' list and working on the list for tomorrow.  Anything that did not get taken care of today goes to the top for tomorrow along with any new tasks or projects.  Each morning I get to my desk before the calls start to review my planned work for the day.  Any follow up calls or emails are taken care of right away.

      Communicating effectively via email and texting requires attention to detail.  Starting each communication with a hello and brief recap of why you are communicating before the actual 'meat' is helpful because everyone is getting bombarded by multiple issues.  End with a thank you and if you promise to follow up, do it and do it on time.

      Janet Mahan
  • Despite how busy I am, I've been trying to keep all my regular meetings, just remote.

    While my team has worked remotely (not full-time) for over a decade, we never used video. We're trying to use it more.

    Also, even though working remote is nothing new for us, for thousands of others at our company, it is. So being patient with them is very important.

    Debra Cote
  • Try to separate work from personal as much as you can. I find that I am working later than I used to, getting stuff done is great, but it is important to have down time too.

    Janet Plumley
    Business Analyst and Rapid Application Development Manager
    CCI Systems, Inc.
    Iron Mountain, MI
  • My company has never offered remote work and even now it is limited based on needs and role. We have chat tools and such in place but as a company we need to learn how to stay more in touch using collaboration tools and Task sharing tools. Its an ongoing learning cover. Some of our quickbase applications have show there value and flexibility in this time of change and it shows how much further we need to go with utilizing and integrating our tools together to be efficient in a world where flexibility is needed. 

    I am excited to see everyone's answer and hoping to pick up a few best practices.

    Derek Hutchinson
    Business Process Manager
    PSG Dover
    Grand Rapids, MI
  • My tips for working from home and still staying productive is:
    1) Get ready like you were going into the office.  I don't where dress cloths like I would in the office but I make sure I don't even start work in pajamas.
    2) Try to keep your same work hours if possible.

    Stephen Arnold
  • One thing that's important that I haven't seen mentioned is ergonomics. Especially if you had to set up your home "office" in a hurry, you might not have a proper desk and office chair. Do everything you can to make your work space comfortable so you don't end up injuring yourself because your desk is too high, monitors are too low, chair doesn't give good support, etc. If you don't have the right equipment, ask if you can take some home from your office.

    Kat Valentine