Forum Discussion

CharlotteM's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
4 years ago

Conditional Dropdown - from one contact to many

I have three tables - Company, Employee, and Activity.

Each Activity relates to only one Company, and each Company can have many Employees.

I have a conditional dropdown in the Activity screen so that when you choose a Company for an Activity, you then can see all that Company's Employees, and pick one to relate to your Activity.

OK, but now they want to be able to choose multiple Employees from that Company, not just one.  I want to be able to pick multiple Employees from the Conditional Dropdown, not just one, and I want the email addresses associated with those Employees to be stored in a text field, preferably separated by semicolons, so I can put the entire string in the body of a Calendar invite (which I'm already creating, that part is done), and the user can then copy and paste that string  into  the Attendees field in the invitation to invite all the people in the Employee list to the Activity.

Is this possible?  I'd like info on how to allow the user to choose multiple Employees in the conditional dropdown Employee field, and how to create the field with all the matching Employee email addresses.

  • You will need to create another table called activity contacts.

    One activity has many activity contacts.
    One contact has many activity contacts.

    You can still get the Conditional drop down to work so that when you go to add an  activity contact launching off the Activity record, the only contacts that are offered will be those from the correct company.

    Once you get that working, You will be able to create a formula field called [email in text format]  On the activity contact record with simply converts the email address into a text field  

    Then once you have that working you can use a combined text summary field to summarize the email addresses in text format up to the activity record.

    Then if you want to convert that to a semicolon to limited field you can use the formula field to change the combine text summary field into a plain text field.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach

    • CharlotteM's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      I've created the Activity Contacts table, the relationships, and the conditional dropdown.  But on the Activities form, It's only allowing me to add one new person/Activity Contact at a time.  Is there a way to see all of the Employees for the Company in one list, and click the one/s that are needed for the current activity, then have those choices populated as different records in the Activity Contacts table?

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        You can only add them one at a time. 

        But I do have a technique using native Quickbase which I can implement for you which would take about 1 hour of consulting time to allow you do do the quick multi select that you are looking for.  I can do a short demo and then do the work on a live zoom call.  Contact me directly by email if you want to discuss further.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach