Forum Discussion

ElizabethSchlag's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 months ago

Conflicting Actions in New UI Dynamic Rules Builder

I have multiple rules that have 'Conflicting Actions' error in QB, therefore they will not run. The rules aren't necessarily conflicting. They all have different when statements that will then hide/show or require/unrequire fields. They are hiding/showing or require/unrequiring some of the same fields but they are based on different when statements. In the old forms, it would let you do this and the rules would just run on the order they were listed. It doesn't seem to be this way with the new forms. Does anyone know a workaround for this? I need all these rules to run. 

Elizabeth Schlagel

2 Replies

  • I'm not in a position to answer your question is there if there is a way to allow new forms to allow conflicting rules.

    But my suggestion is to rethink the rules and make them not conflict. 

    Typically the way you do this is that you would, for example, think on a field by field basis, under what conditions should this field show or hide or be required. And then have a rule for that field. Then move onto the next field with a new Rule  

    If you have conflicting rules where you say, under these conditions show or hide a whole bunch of fields then you can have successive rules which conflict with each other, and the result is going to be pretty random. But if you think about it section by section or field by field, and have a rule that specifically applies to that field or that section then you will never get conflicting rules.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ElizabethSchlag's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Mark! That's what I was thinking, but hoping to avoid because we have so many fields. I opened a ticket with Quickbase support to learn more about the new rule dynamics. I will post more info here for the community if they come back with anything more.

      Elizabeth Schlagel