Forum Discussion

MartinSuske1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Connected Table - number import problem


I setup a connected Table that contains decimal numbers using comma as decimal separator. The data looks like this:


When I create the table the fields are created as type "text" and the number value look like in the import file (1234,56).
After changing the field type to "Number - Currency" with the format "12.345.678,00" the number field will show the correct data 1.234,56 €.

I then update the import file to


and trigger a refresh of the connected table.

After the refresh the value gets displayed as 223.456,00 €.
It seems like in the update process QB does not recognize the decimal separator any more.

Does anybody have an explanation or solution for this?

Martin Suske

2 Replies

  • PaulPeterson1's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Trying to rule out to obvious, did you set the decimal places in the field property to 0?

    Paul Peterson
    • MartinSuske1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      No, it is set to 2. 
      I just tested with point as decimal separator and the appropriate format mask and it worked. So I guess it is a problem with the comma as decimal separator.

      Martin Suske