Forum Discussion

JohnRomano's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Connected Table Error--Unknown Column

Is there a known fix for this error? The error was: Unknown columns: [[[11]]]
How do you determine which column(s) are unknown?

7 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    This is usually because something was deleted.

    Check for field ID 11 in the table.  And then check your source data to find what used to be there. 
  • QuintenQuinten's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I am receiving the same error however it is [[[1085]]]. The source data does not contain this field ID nor does the connected table. What should I do in this case?
  • Is there s field ID if that number 1085 in the target table? Is it giving you s clue as to which field is missing from the source.

    If you can figure out which field it is upset about, you need to go into the target table and delete that field as there is no source for it.
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    This also can happen if the column header in your csv file has changed or doesn't exist.  The sync is VERY particular on naming of column headers.
  • QuintenQuinten's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    There is no field ID in either the source or target table, that is why I am very confused. Since the connected table only has 70 fields, I cross checked them with the source table and found that one field could be the issue. When I go into the properties of the field, it is unable to gather the information from the source table. Meaning that, it continuously spins to retrieve the field name from the source table and can't find it. Do you think this is the field that is causing the issue?
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I've seen this error when there is an extra comma or tab in the csv file.  Try re-uploading a file from the "done folder" that previously worked properly.  Then you might be able to identify the missing field.