Forum Discussion

NateKurtz's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Contract Year Formula

I am running into a wall trying to site a formula that kicks out the contract year.  So basically i want it to check the date of a job [Job Start Date] and tell me what year of the contract it is taki...
  • MarkShnier__You's avatar
    5 years ago
    I think that this works

    var date AdjustYearToCalendarYear = AdjustMonth([Job Start Date],-8)-Days(14);
    var date AnchorDate = Date(2017,1,1);
    Year($AdjustYearToCalendarYear) - Year($AnchorDate) +1

    The formula basically adjusts the job start date backward by 8 months and 14 days to normalize it to a normal January 1st year and then is able to just subtract the year from the Year of the Anchor Date.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
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