Forum Discussion

AndrewAndrew2's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 years ago

Converting a QB entered/formatted Phone number to a 10-digit number

I have a Phone Number Field that the user enters a phone number into. QB returns with a formatted number in the following format:

(555) 555-1212

I am using this number in an Email field to send an SMS text message using my e-mail program. I need to strip out the spaces, the parenthesis, and the hyphen to get


Brain dead tonight; I am sure someone has a quick answer to this one.

Thanks for your help.


16 Replies

  • Try this

    Part([Phone],1, "() -"),
    Part([Phone],2,  "() -"),
    Part([Phone],3,  "() -"),
    Part([Phone],4,  "() -"),
    Part([Phone],5,  "() -"),
    Part([Phone],6,  "() -"))
    • TimEgerton's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Mark,

      How can I include "+" at the front of the number to get +6787777777


      Tim Egerton
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        Part([Phone],1, "() -"),
        Part([Phone],2,  "() -"),
        Part([Phone],3,  "() -"),
        Part([Phone],4,  "() -"),
        Part([Phone],5,  "() -"),
        Part([Phone],6,  "() -"))

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach
  • Thank was helpful, Mark. I modified it to use with phone extensions and to create a field that would allow me to require phone numbers to be unique:

    // Created 3/27/2017 by Phillip Dennis Watkyn LLC
    // To convert a phone number to a text field that will allow a unique constraint

    // Pad the value for an unknown number of digits in a phone extension
    // Phone numbers without extension will usually be 14 characters (000) 000-0000
    // With a four digit extension, can be as much as 20 characters (000) 000-0000 x0000
    // But as soon as any extension is added, the length jumps from 14 to 17
    // Numbers under 15 digits get padded with Fs at the end until they reach a length of 20 characters - was going to use 0s but those could be real extensions
    // Numbers from 17 to 19 digits get enough Fs to reach a length of 20

    var number phoneNumberLength = Length( [Phone Number] );
    var text padding = Case ( $phoneNumberLength, 14, "FFFFFF", 17, "FFF", 18, "FF", 19, "F", "" );

    Part([Phone Number],1, "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],2,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],3,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],4,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],5,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],6,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],7,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],8,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],9,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],10,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],11,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],12,  "() -x"),
    Part([Phone Number],13,  "() -x"),
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    Or if you want to keep it simple:

    Left((NotLeft([Customer Cell Phone], "(")),")")&
    Right((NotRight([Customer Cell Phone], "-")),3)&
    Right([Customer Cell Phone], "-")
    [Provider - Text Domain]
  • DavidJung's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Here is my further improvement on this for "international format" using a QB phone-number field as a source. This strips out extensions, uses an international prefix if there is one, applies country code for North America.

    If(NotRight([Phone], "(")<>"","+"&Trim(NotRight([Phone], "(")),
    "United States","+1",
    Left((NotLeft([Phone], "(")),")")&
    Right((NotRight([Phone], "-")),3)&
    If(Contains([Phone],"x"),NotRight([Phone],"x"),[Phone]), "-")
  • I can not for the life of me get this to work. 

    Part([Guardian-Cell Number],1, "() -"),
    Part([Guardian-Cell Number],2,  "() -"),
    Part([Guardian-Cell Number],3,  "() -"),
    Part([Guardian-Cell Number],4,  "() -"),
    Part([Guardian-Cell Number],5,  "() -"),
    Part([Guardian-Cell Number],6,  "() -"))

    Striped Cell Number
    (555) 555-1212
    • CassieHubble's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      No error. I still get the (555)555-1212 and not 5555551212.
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Silly question, but are you sure you are looking at the right field for the result.  The one with the formula?