Forum Discussion

UmaHarithsa's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Count Table of Display sizes by Location

I have 2 tables: Parent Table - Building related to child - Location related to child - Workstation

Workstation Table has a field Display Monitor Size with values 22", 24", and so on. Currently this table has more than 35,000 records

I would like to create a table with data as below. I am struggling with how to create it. Any ideas? Please help! Thank You.

  • Do you mean that rather just have a summary report, you want an actual table with all the unique rows as records in the table. 
    • UmaHarithsa's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Yes. The reason is that further action needs to be done on this count that will lead to deployment.
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      So there are two steps.  making the table and maintaining the table.

      The making the table is easy but there is a trick.  You need to create a key field for the table in the format.

      Building Name-Department Name-Display Size.

      So  you create the table and make a field with that long name as the Key field and populate it by Creating a field in the details table with the formula

      List("-", [Building Name], [Department], [Display Size])

       and then making a summary report like you already did, except do it on that formula field.  The use the more .. button to copy to another table.

       The create a field called [Building Name-Department Name-Display Size exists?] as a formula checkbox field with a formula of true.

      Then build a relationship back to the details table and look up that field.
      [Building Name-Department Name-Display Size exists?]

      Lastly fire an Automation that says when a detail record is created and 
      [Building Name-Department Name-Display Size exists?] = not checked, then add a record to the Summary table and populate that Key field with the value in the formula field.

      You will then be able to get your total counts from a summary field on the  Relationship and they will be self maintaining.
    • UmaHarithsa's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Was able to follow along until copying summary report data to another Table. I am confused with steps after that. Which table should the [exists?] field be created in - details table or new table? How do I check if that data exists in the new table?
  • Np. Post back if you get stuck. The steps are not hard but there are a few of them to do.