Forum Discussion

Jorge_LuisCacho's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Create maximum date field that looks at all transactions

I know this must be simple and I have been trying different things based on other suggestions, but I am struggling with it. 

I have a transaction log that gets updated each business day. One of the field is the transaction date, which can be 1-3 days prior to the current date. I would like a field in my transactions table that displays the maximum transaction date that exists in the table for all transactions. 

I have been playing with summary fields, but I haven't been able to get it to work right. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

4 Replies

  • Do you really mean the maximum date for ALL transactions, or the maximum date for all transactions for a given Parent record.
  • I do mean for all transactions. I have been able to generate the max for parent record, but that is not what I need.
  • To get the global maximum, make a new table called Maximum Transaction Date.
    Make a single record.  It will be Record ID# 1.

    In the transactions tale make a formula numeric field called [Link to Max Transactions Date (=1)], and give it a formula of 1.

    Use that field as the reference field on the right side of a new relationship to that Max table and make a Summary of the Maximum date and look that up down to all detail records.