Forum Discussion
Can you give us a example of what a note looks like? Probably a screenshot would be best.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
Laurie Anderson
Executive Assistant to
David Ely, CEO
Sonja Berry, COO
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- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
There is more than one way to do this.
I Suggest making a formula text field called [Note for Roll up] which contains all the elements of that note that you want to capture, for example the date of the note and the content of the note and the note type.
Turn on the relationship where One Company has many Notes, make a summary maximum field to get the [Record ID of the most recent note] (ie the Maximum of the Record ID# field. Then look that field up down to the note record.
Make a combined summary text field of that [Note for Roll up]. Filter where the [Record ID#] = [Record ID of the most recent note]. That will give you the most recent note on the parent record but it will look kind of funky in a bubble like that so then make a new formula field
ToText([Combined Text for Note for Roll up])
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- LaurieAnderson2 years agoQrew MemberThank you! I will review and reach back out if I have any additional questions.