Forum Discussion
I could see there being a way to create an Iframe embedded 'Api_Genresultstable' where the clist (column list) is dynamically generated via formula.
Here is the code I would start with in a Rich Text Formula Field in the Parent Record:
Lastly, add that field to your form and see if you like how it works.
Brad Lemke
Hey! A few years late, but is this still possible? I tried it and when I went to save it said "
Only text, Quickbase-accepted functions, fields, variables, and certain HTML tags are allowed in this field. JavaScript is not supported.
Is there a workaround to get a report that only shows columns which have data points on child records?
Shane Miller
- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
I skimmed the above - if you're trying the exact same technique as what's referenced you will get blocked - as Quickbase disabled any injection of javascript or iFrame type techniques in 2021 for security reasons. You can try a couple things though perhaps:
- Try and generate the same 'API_GenResultsTable' similar to the above - and put that url into a Formula-URL field and enable it to show as an iframe. That is the only method that would allow you to use the iFrame technique. Essentially it's the same as the rich-text technique, you're just not actually putting the <iframe> tag in, just the URL string.
2. The other option which might get hairy and very taxing on QB - if you're really just trying to control the columns, you could use 'formula-queries to actually check the fields that you want to show/hide. So you can check for example if fid 7 has values in it, and if it does, include it in your clist, if it doesn't leave it out. If you have 40 fields that will be very taxing on QB though so use with caution.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- ShaneMiller12 years agoQrew Cadet
Thank you Chayce,
You've given me enough information to be dangerous. I appreciate the quick response!
Shane Miller