Forum Discussion

MatthewJones's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Custom formula for time keeping

I am looking to create a totals field for pay types in a time card system. I have created the time keeping report for the week for employees to put in their daily times. I am needing to take the times and total them in field below for the pay type they selected for each day. 
You can see in the screen shot each day has a set amount of fields for the time tracking. I need to associate the pay type to the Payroll hours and place the totals for each pay type in the lower total fields as a total for the week. 

Matthew Jones

2 Replies

  • np,
    The first formula would look like
    IF([Pay Type Monday]="Regular Earnings", [Payroll Hours Monday],0)
    IF([Pay Type Tuesday]="Regular Earnings", [Payroll Hours Tuesday],0)
    etc ....
    IF([Pay Type Sunday]="Regular Earnings", [Payroll Hours Sunday],0)

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • MatthewJones's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thank you for the help this worked Perfect and is getting me in the right direction.

      Matthew Jones