Interestingly enough, I recently had a kinda similar use case. I typically try to stick with the auto-incrementing primary keys instead of altering the key field (e.g. to a User) for reasons I won't explain here. Anyway, it sounds like you could potentially leverage your existing Employees table in combination with Formula Queries and (conditional) Formula URL buttons to create a "Person Locator Service" or "Person Authorization Service." For example,
// FID 3: Record ID# (Integer)
// FID 999: Quickbase User (User)
// FID 9999: Quickbase User Has xyz Permission (Checkbox)
// Return the Current User's Record ID
var Text QueryResults = ToText(GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{999.TV.'" & UserToId(User()) & "'}", [_DBID_EMPLOYEES]), 3));
Instead of returning the Current User's Record ID (3 in the above example), you'd could return a boolean of whether the Employee has access to perform the given operation (e.g. Add the record). Maybe something like:
var Bool HasPermission = ToText(GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{999.TV.'" & UserToId(User()) & "'}", [_DBID_EMPLOYEES]), 9999));
Then, in a Formula URL (button) you can conditionally show or hide the button based on the results of the Formula Query.
var Text UrlAddRecord =
// Show form to create a new record
URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_THINGS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm"
// Set field value
& "&_fid_xyz=" & URLEncode ([…])
// Return to the context where this button was clicked
& "&z=" & Rurl();
If (
// Conditionally display this button
$HasPermission = true, $UrlAddRecord,
// Default to hidden button
I'm not saying any of this is a good idea, but it is interesting and sort of allows us to extend basic User info similar to a User Profile in other web apps. I'd consider building a playground Quickbase app to test the ideas before integrating it into your production app.
The simpler version of all this would be to hardcode the allowable list of Users into a variable and then conditionally show the button if the current User is in the list.
Use care with Formula Queries too, especially because they likely cause n + 1 query issues that I don't recall reading about yet!
I'd also suggest really digging into why Quickbase's native Permission system doesn't accomplish what you are hoping to achieve.
Brian Seymour