Forum Discussion

Crystal's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Customizing gantt bars, rows and/or text on timeline report

I have been unable to customize the look of Timeline Reports. Is there a way to customize the colors, text, rows when a timeline report contains multiple projects.  Ideally I would like to be able to change the color of the gantt bars based on the project.  Differentiating the various projects, swim lanes or phases is what I am after.  

4 Replies

  • I suspect that you would need to move to a 3rd party QSP add on to get that kind of control.  There are some QSP add-ons which allow drag and drop for the Tasks on the Gantt charts and they probably have flexibility for more color.
  • Crystal -

    Here's a Gantt chart we've created for Quick Base.  It lets users
    • Drag & drop to change task dates
    • Update task completion from the Gantt or a form
    • Customize colors
    It's below.  Contact CloudBase Services via our website and we'll let you test drive it.
