Forum Discussion

BrandonPorter's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Date Calculation for Formula Checkbox field

I am trying to build out a To-Do app, and I want to sort by Tasks that have a due date within 7 days of the current date.  My idea was to create a Formula-Checkbox field with an if/then statement that would check itself if it met the criteria, and then set the report to sort by checked/not checked.  But I can't figure out what formula would let me do this.  Thoughts?

2 Replies

  • Here is a formula

    IF(Today()-[Due Date] <= Days(7), "Due within 7 Days", "Not Due within 7 Days")
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I'd recommend using the filters and grouping options to actually key off the 'Date' rather than a yes/no checkbox.

    If gives the user a better experience to have it sorted by dates, and then grouped by weeks (thus your 7 day windows).  Acts as a better 'priority' based to-do list.