Forum Discussion

AmberPollard's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Date Column Too Wide

Pretty self-explanatory, I guess -- why is my date column too wide? It's a basic "date" field-type. It's set to display without wrapping, but that should be okay. I did edit the column name to "Date" (with no spaces before or after) but the field is called "Date Input", which is also short.

9 Replies

  • AmberPollard's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    As I add more data this same report has now made another column too wide, as well. I would contact customer care, but I'm presenting this for review TOMORROW so I was hoping to get answers soon!
    • AndrewKleppner's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Amber, I'm an Interaction Designer at Quick Base. I'm looking into what you found and will let you know what I learn.
    • AmberPollard's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      Thank you, this is happening to several of my apps that I�ve seen thus far. Essentially, if I create a new report, as soon as I try to rename the column headings the spaces on the column I�ve renamed gets very wide and pushes other columns to be narrow. If there are two columns I�ve renamed, they both get very wide and push out other columns to be narrow.

      I�m in Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Have you tried re-creating the report? Sometimes that fixes issues and it might even give you better insight into what might be causing it if you notice it happens after doing a certain action or changing something in the report.

    Other things to try would be to go back to the old column name and see if it changes anything. I would just mess around with the settings and see if anything happens. If the column only became wide after a change then you might be able to figure out what that is and not do it again.

    One last thing is try a different browser to view the report and see if anything changes. I know it sounds a little crazy but according to QuickBase the browser decides the column width based on many things. 
  • I am also having the same problem.  As soon as I rename the column it makes it too big.  In my case it is making it so big that you can't even get to the next goes on for pages and pages about 20-25 (if it were to be printed). I have re-created the report several times and it is fine until I rename the column.  

    Has any progress been made on this?
  • I was told by QB Support that this is a bug and that they're working to fix it.