Forum Discussion

LB's avatar
Qrew Cadet
10 months ago

Date Field Help


I have a date field for users to input a date of birth, but I'm wanting to know if there is a way to make the field not have the date be a future date or entered in a incorrect format? For example, 12/20/2023 or 05/32/0210?




2 Replies

  • Am I understanding it correctly, that you want to have validation if date is in the future or not?

    You can use 3 separate technics:

    1) Form Rules - if you capture input via form you can use form rules that if Date field is Greater than today show error + Block Saving

    2) Formula field - You can create formula field which will validate if entered date is in the past.

    3) You can use "Table --> Advance Settings --> Custom data rules" to block it in Form and in Grid Edit.

    Adam Krzyzanek
    • LB's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thank you for this info - do you have an example of what the information looks like in the custom data formula for a date?
