Forum Discussion

AaronZielinski's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

Date filter start on current day

I have a couple of filters on the left side of my report screen.  The first one is "Date" as the report is a list of timecards.  The "Start Date" defaults to the record (timesheet) that is the earliest in the system.  Is there a way to have the "Start Date" filter default to the current day so that users do not have to change the date from a previous year every time they filter? 

I do need the ability to filter for all dates from the filter so I don't want to hard code a start date that can't be manually changed (in the pop out calendar) while filtering.  Thanks in advance!


1 Reply

  • No problem.

    I suggest that you make a new field called [Today?].  Make it a formula field with the formula of 
    IF([my date field]=Today(), " Yes, no")

    Then include that field as a Dynamic filter on the report.