Forum Discussion

XeniaWatterson's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Date range with non-consecutive Dates

We have a table we use for site visits our technicians make to a customer's site.  Currently we allow a single visit for all consecutive day visits (so imagine a 3 day visit on Monday - Wednesday), but if there is a gap in visit days (such as the weekend or a scheduled pause for a quality control check) we require a second visit is made for the next set of days.  The reason for this is the formula to show the next scheduled date/time (so if the visit starts on Monday, once that day is done the formula will show Tuesday as the next scheduled day until the end of the days/nights indicated on the visit and then the field will go blank).  Is there a way to do the next scheduled date/time field with gaps for days that the visits are not scheduled as the gap days are not always on a Saturday/Sunday weekend?

Xenia Watterson
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