Forum Discussion

RitaKapp's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Development environment

Hello everyone, 

I would like to create application that populates the quick base table using API. 

I need some kind of development environment where I can test everything as the original table contains sensitive data I do not want to anyhow touch.

Is there anything already existing? I want to run instance of Quick Base locally or something similar.

Really appreciate your help!

P.S. If anyone has experience of populating the QB form using an external form, please, share your experience as well :)

Rita Kapp

8 Replies

  • If you are populating Quick Base using APIs from and outside source, I suggest making a copy of you app and populating the COPY app.   I suggest changing the header banner color or the dashboard to remind you in huge letters which is the test copy of the app, as its easy to get confused.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • Hi Rita,

    Thank you for your post. We just launched a Sandbox feature that allows you create a "test" environment of any application. This test environment is called a Sandbox, and in it you can safely make changes without impacting the production application. For example, you can test any integrations or API work that you're thinking of implementing and it doesn't impact the production app until you review and publish the changes. 

    Note that the Quick Base Sandbox is not a local version of Quick Base, but rather a test environment in the cloud just like your other apps.

    Learn more here: About Quick Base Sandbox 

    Thanks and good luck!


    Chris Hutchens
    Senior Product Manager
    Quick Base
  • Hi Rita,

    To your question on how to populate QB with external data, one option is to utilize API_AddRecord to populate data into QB.

    We are also launching in February a very powerful tool called Quick Base Pipelines. Pipelines will be a full set of integration capabilities built directly into Quick Base. Included will be the ability to integrate with a few other platforms on which you can build custom forms.

    Hope that helps, and you're in great hands with other expert builders in the QB community who might be able to provide more detailed answers to your specific situation.


    Chris Hutchens
    • AustinK's avatar
      Qrew Commander
      Chris, One thing I noticed about the new sandbox is you are no longer able to do a table to table import from any other app to the sandbox. Is this intended? Previously when creating sandboxes I would sometimes have to move data over to it and would always just table to table import to make sure I had the right data from production. Now this feature is grayed out when trying to import to the new sandbox.

      It still lets you import via clipboard or several other ways however most of those do not work when you need to preserve the record id. When you go to import with a record id via clipboard for example it forces you to pick Record ID# as the merge field, which is fine, until it gives an error because it could not update those records. There is nothing in the table for the sandbox which is why it cannot update them, the records don't currently exist there. I just wish I was able to import the records back into it. There are many times where you want to see how the data behaves with your changes before you push to production and it doesn't seem possible anymore... Previously even in early access for the new sandbox the table to table import was able to be used. 

      If I am just missing something and someone can tell me how to import a full table into the new sandbox now that the table to table import is grayed out, please let me know. I have not tried the API yet.

      • ChrisHutchens's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Austin,

        Yes, it is intended that table-to-table imports do not work in a sandbox. The reason is that table-to-table imports automatically bring all of the related applications involved into a thread that shares the same computing power, and creates a situation that is ripe for crashing your app.

        That being said, you can copy all of your live data directly into your sandbox when you create the sandbox (just select "all records" in create dialog). The record IDs are maintained, and it's as if you're looking at your live data.

        Does that meet your needs?


        Chris Hutchens