Forum Discussion

AndrewAndrew2's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 years ago

Display URL link to a record

I am sending a survey to a group of employees. Each employee is to complete their own specific survey. I'd like to be able to send them the link to their survey using Word Mail Merge to Outlook.

Once I create a record, I need to be able to store the URL link to the survey record in a table. I'll grab the link data through an export and manipulate through mail merge. 

Is there a way I can get this programmatically vs. copying and pasting the link into my field each time. I realize I can't get a link until the record is saved. 

I am thinking that I could create a field that concatenates the record ID into the URL as the only thing that changes is the record ID from record to record - correct? And if this is the case, is there a way to have this created through a formula that populates when the record is saved?

2 Replies

  • I think you are asking for this formula:

    URLRoot() & Dbid() & "?a=er&rid=" & [Record ID#]
  • i had to change mine a bit for it to work

    URLRoot() &"db/" &Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#]