Forum Discussion
I should have added - I needed the "Uploaded" and "Status" for EACH document to be able to use these fields for reporting in other tables.
Also, I solved my own problem - but if anyone runs into a similar issue, I will leave this thread here.
Solution: I added a general "Document Status" Formula - Rich Text field to use as a column in reporting on all doc statuses:
If(IsNull([Date Created]), "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",
If(([Approved] = false and [Rejected] = false), "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",
If([Approved] = true, "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",
If([Rejected] = true, "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>"))))
Rikki Ryan