Forum Discussion

Jamesvan_der_Wa's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Dropdown triggers

I have an order number  ie. 123123.1.
On a QB Form, when I select an order type from a dropdown I want the order number to be updated. E.g. If I select "return" order from the dropdown, the order number field should be upadted to 123123.1.return

Is this possible? If so, how

Thanks for the help

James van der Walt
  • What kind of field is order#.  perhaps what you want to have a new formula text field to calculate the value you want to show.

    For example

    [Order #] & [Order Type]


    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • Jamesvan_der_Wa's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Mark. After some trial and error I found a "cheat". I saved the first part of the original order number (string) in a hidden field when I create the copy of the order. Then I used dynamic rules to concatenate the order# to the various order types as the dropdown changed. Here's my dynamic rule to make this happen.

      James van der Walt