Forum Discussion

MeganLowmaster's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

duplicate names

I am working on building a database that has names in it.  I have run into an issue with I have two totally different people with the same names.  I still need to make a different record for each of them without changing the name and both names still need to be searchable.  Anyone from QB have any ideas?  The only one I have found that works is to have one regular entry and do the other (Jane Doe) and that still makes them searchable.  I did got through the University and took the classes but this issue never came up!

Megan Lowmaster

4 Replies

  • Megan,
    Can you better explain your problem.  Is your app preventing you from having duplicate names?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MeganLowmaster's avatar
      Qrew Member
      If I put in a name to make another profile and the name is already in the database I get this error message. Fields which are marked unique must contain unique values for all the records. You have entered a duplicate value for the unique field "Name" Please check your data and try again.
      (The individuals of interest was not saved)
      I was not sure how to go around this or what I needed to do to put the same name in when it is a totally different person.  I basically want to create another profile for same name but different person without altering or adding to the name itself.

      Megan Lowmaster
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        There is a solution.

        Is the Key field of your table the [Record ID#] field or the [Name] field?

        If it is the name field, then that field has been marked as being unique.  Is the Name field a data en try field or is it a formula field which concatenates the first and last names together into a single Name field?

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach