Forum Discussion

BonnieDurden's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Dynamic Form Rule Not Copying Formula Text Correctly

I have a field that is a formula text field for an invoice item description using the "List" function (it takes all text from an item on the price sheet and combines it into one field). I have created a dynamic form rule to copy the information into another field so that my sales team can edit the text if need be, but when it copies I get all kinds of HTML code. Please note, the original formula field is not Rich Text, just regular text. 

Here is what the fields look like and what I am getting when it copies the information:

Formula in Text Field
"Insert Location: ",
"Manufacturer: " & [Manufacturer],
"Design Name: " & [Insert Price - Design],
"Size: " & [Insert Price - Size],
"Caming Color: " & [Insert Price - Caming Color],
"Impact Rating: " & [Insert Price - Impact Rating],
"Frame Type: " & [Insert Price - Frame Type])

How the Text Field Shows:
Insert Location:  
Manufacturer:  RSL
Design Name:  Bevel Cluster
Size:  22x64
Caming Color:  Brass
Impact Rating:  Non-Impact
Frame Type:  White

Here is what it is copying in the text field using the Dynamic Form Rule "Change" feature:

DOOR INSERT<BR><char code="10"/>Insert Location:&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><char code="10"/>Manufacturer:&nbsp; RSL<BR><char code="10"/>Design Name:&nbsp; Bevel Cluster<BR><char code="10"/>Size:&nbsp; 22x64<BR><char code="10"/>Caming Color:&nbsp; Brass<BR><char code="10"/>Impact Rating:&nbsp; Non-Impact<BR><char code="10"/>Frame Type:&nbsp; White



2 Replies

  • Please note the description field did not show correctly above:

    Insert Description

    Insert Location:  
    Manufacturer:  RSL
    Design Name:  Bevel Cluster
    Size:  22x64
    Caming Color:  Brass
    Impact Rating:  Non-Impact
    Frame Type:  White

    Bonnie Durden
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Qrew Champion
      Maybe try using an automation to see if it works any better.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach