Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
2 years ago

Email link in formula rich text field

I noticed if I put an email address in a formula text field (sometimes I will combine a name and their email), in a formula text field the email address is automatically recognized and a hyperlink is created to the email.

However, that same formula in a formula rich text field, and the email hyperlink isnt created. Is there a way to have a formula rich text field recognize and email address and highlight blue with the standard email hyperlink?

Mike Tamoush

2 Replies

  • Hi Mike,

    Yes it is possible to have an email link in the Rich Text Formula field! I was able to accomplish it by doing the following syntax...

    "<a href = 'mailto:'>Tyler Foster</a>"

    This will display my name as a hyperlink to the email selected in the 'mailto' attribute. So if you had a field that was someone's email address you could architect it like so...

    "<a href = 'mailto: " & [Email Field] & "'>Display Text</a>"

    Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Tyler Foster
    Associate Developer
    Synctivate Inc.

    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander

      Perfect that did it thanks!

      Mike Tamoush