Forum Discussion

KimRavizza's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Email Notification to send when a checkbox is checked

Good morning,

I've set up an email notification to send when my "TR1 Send Reminder Today" checkbox is checked.

Here are my fields:

  • TR1 Send Reminder Today formula checkbox:

=Today(), true, false

  • TR1 Reminder date formula date:

WeekdayAdd(, -3)

  • TR1 Reminder Email Sent On Date/time

The TR1 reminder date is set to 3 business days before the TR1 Site Survey Date. Once the TR1 reminder date is "Today", the TR1 Send Reminder Today checkbox gets checked. This change to the record should fire off the email and trigger my pipeline to populate the TR1 Reminder Email Sent On Date/time.

I had thought that it would fire just after midnight, as soon as the checkbox was checked, but it didn't. This morning, the checkbox was checked, but the email didn't send. The pipeline didn't fire either.

This morning, I blanked out the TR1 Site Survey date, saved the record, re-input the date and saved the record. This fired the email and the pipeline. 

I guess my question is, is the change of the checkbox from false to true as a result of the formula not considered an actual change to the record? I've set the email to send when:

  • A store is modified
  • Any of the following fields change
    • TR1 Send Reminder Today
  • AND when the following conditions are true after the change:
    • TR1 Send Reminder Today is equal to checked

Thank you,

  • Email notifications only fire, where a record is actually edited and saved, either through the human user interface or by a Pipeline actually editing a record. They do not fire simply through a Formula field being updated as a result of changes in summary fields, look up fields, or just through the passage of time crossing midnight.

    depending on your used case, you may want to consider a subscription report, which will run every morning and can include records that now qualify to be shown. 

    And alternative would be to have a Pipeline run say in the early morning looking for records which now qualify, and the pipeline can do a search to find all these records and go into a For Each loop to update say a date time field to the current date time this  firing an email notification.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • KimRavizza's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks Mark,

      Got it. As I was typing, I was thinking that was the case.

      So if I ran a pipeline every morning that checks for records with the send date of today and sets the checkbox to true, would that work? I'd make the "send today" checkbox just a checkbox, rather than a formula checkbox. Does that count as making an actual update to the record?

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        Yes. Exactly. That should work perfectly.

        when a pipe line runs in a For Each loop, QuickBase sees these as individual record changes and will fire off individual Notification emails.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)