Forum Discussion

CaitlinBraun's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Email reply to individual feedback submissions

Hi there,

I have created an app for a feedback form. We are currently gathering feedback from our organization as we remodel some of our internal processes. The form is currently set-up that they can submit feedback on the participant side. On the admin side, we can make notes to that feedback and update the status of it. I would like to be able to email the individual who submitted feedback once we have some answers to provide. I would almost like it to operate with an email icon like you see on the users list. We would then incorporate the feedback they provided, along with our answer. 
I'm wondering if anyone has created something like this? Disclaimer: not everyone submitting feedback is a QB user.

I'm new to QB so I appreciate your help on the questions that may seem simple!

  • Here are a few tips.

    You can create an email notification to tigger when say a check box is checked.  The admin staff would check the checkbox once they have entered the reply and they want to send an email back to the originator of the record.

    You will need to have your users enter their email address on the form because you were telling us that these are not all Quick Base users so they will have to identify themselves with an email address on the form.

    When you set up the email notification the very first thing you choose will be a radio button for recipient or open. You need to choose the selection called open as that will go to anybody and not just users.

    If you have any trouble setting up an open notification it will be because your room is not enable to send external emails. If that happens you will have to put in a support ticket to customer care.

    And obscure tip is that in the box that identifies who the email is to go to you can enter a field name such as  [email address] in square brackets.  For reasons unknown to me that is not documented anywhere but it works perfectly well.

    I suggest you start with all that and post back if you run into any problems. It's very easy to test with yourself or one of your own personal email addresses as the recipient.  

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach