I don't know if you were using legacy forms or new style forms
For legacy forms, while it may seem counterintuitive you can create a dummy form which I typically call. Grid Edit Form. That form will never be used at as a form, but it can be specified to be used to control the behavior of the grid edit iembedded report. You just list the fields down the form that you want is columns in the grid, edit and you can include features like limiting a drop-down to just status active. Then you specify that form to be used in grid, edit by using the Forums usage section of the forms set up.
I have no idea whether new style forms support that functionality, but Perhaps you can give it a try and report back. In order to test it on legacy forms. If you happen to just be using new forms, you can create a dummy legacy form and get the grid working there as we expect based on what I have said above. Then once that's working, you can try it on new style forms.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)