Forum Discussion

SeanBoat-Moore's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Embedded Grid Edit Reports

I have an embeded grid edit report on a form.  Is showing the data I need, but it allows users to add new records.  We only allow users to add records from the parent record because there is a lot of linking that is done from that URL that I don't want to have to train my end users to train to do manually. 

Is there any way on the embeded report to only allow them to edit existing records without completing removing the ability to add new records?

Sean Boat-Moore
Manager SMB Development
Project Management Office and Quality Control
NCR Corporation |
  • Here is one idea if no one has a better one. Create a Custom Data Rule to block saving  with an informative message if the checkbox [Data was entered on a Form] is not checked.  

    Initialize that field by making it it first a formula  of true and then changing it back to be a Data Entry field. 

    Make a Form Rule to check that box when the record is saved.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)