Forum Discussion

RoseMcDermott's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Empower 2021: Frequently Asked Questions

Empower 2021 was Virtual which means you still have access to our 40+ Breakout Sessions, 30+ On Demand Quick Hits, and industry-focused networking sessions.   

This FAQ will help you to navigate everything Empower has to offer. 


Q: How do I register?  

A: You can still register here if you want to access Empower 2021. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link and password to access the environment.

Q: How do I log in? 

A: You can access the Empower 2021 event platform using the email you registered with and the password you received in your confirmation email.  

Q: What are the system requirements for the best Empower experience?

A: We recommend the below systems and browsers.

Windows 10 with the latest version of Chrome or Edge
Mac OS 10.10+ with the latest version of Chrome or Safari
Ubuntu Linux with the latest version of Firefox
iOS 8.0+ with Chrome or Safari
Android 4.4+ with native browser or Chrome

The Empower environment is optimized for 1024 x 768 screen resolution. If the environment does not fit your screen well, try zooming out or in to meet your needs.

Q: How can I redeem the swag I earned during Empower?  

A:  If you participated in the Scavenger Hunt during Live Empower, you will receive a promo code with a dollar amount that correlates to the number of points that you earned and a link to the Swag Store. If you would like to get more than your discount covers, you may purchase additional items as well. 

Q: Is there a document with all the information I need to know about Empower?

A: Yes! You can view our Attendee Guide here. It is also be available within the event environment!


Q: Do you have a printable agenda somewhere?

A: Yes. If you'd like to view all the Empower content in one place, feel free to download or print our Daily Agenda.

Q: Why do I need a Builder Account? 

A: A Builder Account provides a safe environment for experimentation, is free, and is yours to keep. Pipelines access is included with your Builder Account. This is helpful, as the ability to construct Pipelines in a corporate account is dependent upon your Realm Administrator granting you Pipelines permissions. Join our Builder Programnow!

Q: Why should I join the Quick Base Community Slack? 

A: You can utilize the slack channel to network, learn, and discuss with other Quickbase builders! You can use the slack to network even after Empower 2021 is over.

Q: Not part of the Community Slack yet? Join today! 

A: You can use this link to sign-up for the slack channel and then add it as a new workspace to your account. 

Q: If I'm interested in advocacy opportunities, ways to share my own stories of success, and stay better connected- is there a program for that?
A: Absolutely, we have our Quickbase Heroes, a program specifically focused on helping us to connect to the everyday Quickbase advocates, gather their feedback via our challenges, get rewards and swag, and open up opportunities to share their experience and speak about the work they’re doing in Quickbase. To learn more about our advocacy program, stop by the advocacy booth in the exhibit hall or you can join our Heroes Program right here!

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