For the love of all things holy and before I throw my PC out the window....
I FINALLY got a button to add a new record to a child table with the prepopulated fields I need. Code is
"<a href='" &
URLRoot() & "db/btcpg7sph?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&dfid=2" &
"&_fid_18=" & URLEncode([Related Request]) &
"&_fid_20=" & URLEncode([Request - Order Number]) &
"&_fid_19=" & URLEncode([Request - Name]) &
"'>" &
"<img src='https://expertclaimmanagement.quickbase.com/up/btegrvwjr/g/rb/eh/va/ADD%20NEXT%20ITEM.png' alt='Save & New'>" &
The problem is, of course, that it doesn't save the current form. So, I just set the application settings to auto-save if a page is navigated away from. The problem is that it still throws the Leave site warning message which confuses the 75-year-olds using this form.
So I created this button
var text url = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&rid=" & ToText([Record ID#]);
var text link = "<a href='" & $url & "' data-replaceRid='true' style='font-size: 11pt;margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 0px; height: 33px; width: 160px; text-align:center;background-color:#13294d;color:white;background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #13294d 0%, #13294d 100%);' class='SaveBeforeNavigating Vibrant'>Save and Continue</a>";
but it doesn't actually save and continue, it saves and next. It repopulates a blank form and if I test it as EOTI, I get an Access Denied page.
I realize the EASIEST way to control this functionality is the built in save button. Unfortunately, the lamen user hits Save and close every.single.time. Even with huge bold instructions explaining how it works. Because they do not have access to their records once they close it, they have to start all over or, what actually happens, is call me and I spend all day on the phone.
I either need a way to have a save button that returns the EOTI to the page in edit mode (and I guess be told how to make sure the permissions are set correctly) so that they can then hit the add next item button or close button, or figure out a way to allow EOTI to access records with either the Order Number they enter which is unique, or the record ID number without them being able to see everyone else's entries.
I know this is very jumbled. I'm 10 hours in and ready to dissolve my business at this point. It feels like I am being forced to use the native buttons even when they are the worst solution. I miss Java Script. I hate it but I NEED three separate buttons. One to save and continue, one to close and one to Add New. I have the close and add new figured out.
Rhonda Jones