Forum Discussion

CherylLee's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Error when importing from table

Background: We have two separate qb applications -- one which is used as an internal database and the other which is used as an external, open to everyone, application-submission portal. External parties complete an application-form in the application-submission portal and that information then has to be imported into our internal database. I have an "import from table" set up to pull the submitted information from the application-submission side into the internal database. I have set up everything including the appropriate merge key in both applications.

Problem: When I click import on the receiving side, I get an error saying that my field "Organization name" has duplicate values (and the duplicate values are ALL of the records I am trying to import). The organization name field must be unique, so I'm not sure why I'm getting the duplicate values error. How can I fix this?
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