Forum Discussion
Qrew Captain
Hi Barbara, usually this happens when your app requires application tokens because Exact Forms doesn't like when that switch is turned on. However it doesn't make sense that only you see this experience and others can see the output Exact Form.
Does your application have the "Require Application Tokens" setting checked?
Keith Jusas
Does your application have the "Require Application Tokens" setting checked?
Keith Jusas
3 years agoQrew Member
Yes! once I uncheck that box it worked for me. Can't explain why it worked for others. They were in the support team so perhaps they had 'special' access. Thank you.
Barbara Alvarez
Barbara Alvarez
- KeithJusas3 years agoQrew CaptainHi Barbara
please note by unchecking that property you are reducing the security of your application. Application tokens are one layer of security that Quickbase provides so make sure you are certain that you want to keep that setting off
Keith Jusas