Forum Discussion

EmberKrumwied's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Exact Form Troubleshooting

I have created an exact form that pulls data from various tables relating to the parent record where the form is saved.  Up till now this form has worked without any issues, but today I was made aware that the resulting report wasn't updating for a specific record.  When looking at the parent record all the data that would appear on the form is visible in the different sections/tabs of the parent, there is no missing data.  But when I run the exact form report the only content being displayed is the data fields specifically seen on the parent and the report section headers (as they are specifically coded in the exact form) but no child information is being displayed.

Other records are displaying correctly so I'm at a loss as to how to begin to troubleshoot why this specific record isn't returning the correct information.  Any filters used on the exact form are similar to those that filter the children records when they are displayed within the parent form.  Again, meaning that when viewing the parent I see all the relevant children information but that information isn't making its way to the exact form.

Happy to share screenshots of whatever this community might need to see to assist, just let me know what you'd like to see.


  • Hi Ember,
      sometimes when you experience inconsistencies like for some records but not this has to do with special characters in the fields you may be using to filter the data in the child table.  Can you share the filter from the report on your parent form for the record that is causing the issue?
    So on the parent form click "Full Report" on the subtable and when that opens hover over the filter criteria in the upper right and take a screenshot to share here.

    • EmberKrumwied's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      That report is filter on whether or not the entry is set to Active.  And the entry in question is set to Active.

      The second filter is not generally there, I only added that one so I could determine that my entry in question showed up.  Which it did.

      Anything else to check?

      • JuicedTechnolog's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        can you now show the lines in your Exact Form template for the subtable
