Forum Discussion

MeredithMoore5's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

Exact Forms - Conditional Code (Including Checkboxes)

Just wanted to share this simple code as I know it has been asked on quite a few threads.

First, YES, you can insert conditional formulas into your Exact Forms. I have been doing it for years. No need to make extra fields. 

BOOLEAN CODE: ~=if(f['80'] != true) {'O';}else {'X';}~ 
TRANSLATION: If field 80 does not equal TRUE than put O, otherwise put X.

TEXT CODE: ~=if(f['80'] != 'English') {'O';}else {'X';}~ 
TRANSLATION: If field 80 does not equal "English" than put O, otherwise put X.

(To make a "checkbox", in Word insert symbol 25A1 (white square) in place of O and 25A0 (black square) in place of X. You can also put in wording in place of O and X. Size the entire code to how large you want the symbol to be. It Amy look long and funny, but it will only show the condition text / symbol.)

P.S. I prefer to use !=, but feel free to use ==, or anything else you may need to.

QuickBase Girl
  • Are you using these with the in-product Exact Forms or with Juiced's Add-on, Exact Forms+ ?

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • MeredithMoore5's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      This is just straight-up Exact Forms no special add-ons needed.

      QuickBase Girl
    • MeredithMoore5's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      Oh, and for those peeps wondering about nested IF statements in your Exact Form:

      ~=if(f['67'] == 'Spouse/Partner (Esposa/Pareja) (Konjwen / patne)'){'Spouse/Partner';}
      else  if(f['67'] == 'Parent/Grandparent (Padre/Abuelo) (Paran / Granparan'){'Parent/Grandparent';} 
      else  if(f['67'] == 'Child/Grandchild (Hijo/Nieto) (Pitit / pitit pitit)'){'Child/Grandchild';}
      else  if(f['67'] == 'Brother/Sister (Hermano/Hermana) (Fre / Se)'){'Brother/Sister';}
      else  if(f['67'] == 'Uncle/Aunt (Tio/Tia) (Tonton / Matant)'){'Uncle/Aunt';}
      else  if(f['67'] == 'Friend/Roommate (Amigo/Companero) (Zanmi / ko lokate)'){'Friend/Roommate';}
      else  if(f['67'] == 'Other (Otros) (Lot)'){'Other';}~

      QuickBase Girl
    • MeredithMoore5's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      Also, here is my best Exact Form Page Break code:

      <p style="page-break-before: always"></p>​

      QuickBase Girl