Forum Discussion

ShaneMiller1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Exact Forms Plus | water mark


I just discovered that there is a watermark feature for Exact Forms Plus!

Sadly, I keep getting an error, and am hoping it's an easy fix. 

Here is the JuicedTech documentation.

Watermark. This allows you to include a watermark in your output document.

format is Text|Color|Font-Size

(v9.4 and above)

Here is my error message:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Make sure the wm url parameter is in the format wm=TEXT|COLOR|SIZE
Exact Forms Plus v11.5.10

You'll notice I am on a higher version than the minimum v9.4 required.

here is a portion of the code inside my formula url button:

& "&efpdte=854"
& "&wm=DRAFT|RED|65"
& "&uid=855:" & UserToEmail(User())
& "&docfmt=docx&stream=y"

If I comment out the watermark line, everything works perfectly.

Any ideas?

Shane Miller

  • I tried it on my end with the same setup/string that you had - no issue. I swapped out docx to PDF and same thing, no issues for me, currently on the same version as well. Perhaps an item Juiced support could weigh in on as well through their portal if you have access to it. 

    @Keith Jusas 

    Chayce Duncan
    • ShaneMiller1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      I'll do that, thank you

      Shane Miller
    • KeithJusas's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      I tested myself just like Chayce did and did not get an error.

      can you login to the juiced cloud and open a support case so we can investigate further for you

      Keith Jusas