Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
5 years ago

Extract Date from Logged Field

I'm trying to extract a date from a logged field. In the example below, I am trying to get the Backlogged Date. I figured I could use a series of 'left', 'right', 'notleft' etc. However, my first try led me to something that i can't figure out.

Simply trying: left([Field Name], "Backlogged") yields this result:


That very much confuses me, so there is something I don't understand about how logged fields are stored. Can anyone shed light? I know I would need more in my formula to extract the date, but after getting that result I stopped as I was dead in the water.

I also tried left(totext([Field Name]), "Backlogged") with the same result.

Mike Tamoush

3 Replies

  • Parsing Append Only Fields

    so... if you have a text field set to Log Changes where the new entries act in the default manner which is to be at the bottom of the updates, here are some formuals to use to parse out the values from the most recent entry. I am also assuming that you are logging the date and not the date and time.

    Most recent value (formula text field type)

    Trim(Right([my update field],"]"))

    Date of most recent update (this needs to be a formula date field)

    ToDate(Left(Right([my update field],"["),9))

    Who did the most recent update (formula text field type)

    Trim(NotLeft(Left(Right([my update field],"["),"]"),9))

    Parse out the date and time of the update

    var text DateAndTime = Left(Right([append only with date /time],"["),18);
    var date TheDate = ToDate(Left($DateAndTime," "));
    var timeofday TheTime = ToTimeOfDay(NotLeft($DateAndTime,9));

    ToTimestamp ($TheDate, $TheTime)

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      I have success pulling from the most recent field. But there will be instances where the date I want is not the most recent selection. That is why I was trying to base it off a word. Ever have success pulling a date from a field that could be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd....?

      Mike Tamoush
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I don't have a formula handy, but I would use SearchAndReplace to change the word to a pipe |  and then do the "left / right" thing based off the location of that Pipe.  |  There is nothing special about a Pipe other than it is a character rarely used intentionally for data entry.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach