Forum Discussion

AroofShaik's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

field with color condtion

Case([Status :], "COMPLETED", "<div style=\"color:black; background-color:#00FF00;\"> COMPLETED</div>",
"IN-PROGRESS","<div style=\"background-color:#0000FF;\"> IN-PROGRESS</div>",
"OVERDUE", "<div style=\"background-color:#FF0000;\"> OVERDUE</div>",
"REJECTED", "<div style=\"background-color:#FFFF00;\"> REJECTED</div>",
"QUERIED", "<div style=\"background-color:#FFFF00;\"> QUERIED</div>",
"DELAYED","<div style=\"background-color:#FFA500;\"> DELAYED</div>", "")
  • Hi Aroof,

    Were you having some specific trouble with the formula listed above? 
  • Hi,
    I need to add another filed in this formula 

    "status" is a parent field and it consist of dropdown option ,and it is unable to process for formula in the same field .is there any option to add both dropdown and formula.

    status - filed 

    field type : dropdown 

    final view  in field : if any drop down list is selected color of the field need to change automatically .