Forum Discussion
I'm also trying to implement something very similar without much success in another area of my app. I've got a table "Inventory", a table "Sub-Inventory", and a merge table between them so as to give them a many-to-many relationship. (One inventory item can implicate the use of many sub inventory items, and one sub inventory item can be implicated in the use of many master inventory items).
"Inventory items" is a parent table to "Pull list items", which is in turn a parent to "Sub Pull List Items", which is a child of a separate inventory table "Sub-Inventory Items." See relationship diagram below:
What I'm trying to accomplish is a scenario in which a user can add additional Sub Pull List child records to a parent Pull List Item record, each with a parent Sub Inventory Item record. However, I don't want the user to have to scroll through every single Sub Inventory Item record; I want the possible parent Sub Inventory Item records to be filtered by matching the parent Inventory Item category (which is fed down to the Sub Pull List item child via its parent Pull List item).
The issue I'm running into is that I can't figure out a way to dynamically filter the report used for my grid edit override form on the "Sub Inventory Items" table by a value on a child record (the "Sub Pull List Item" record).
I've got a pipeline set up that automatically adds Sub Pull items to each Pull item and selects the appropriate parent Sub Inventory item based on the relationships defined between master and sub inventory in that merge table. But, I still need users to be able to add and edit additional sub pull items without having to search through every single sub inventory item every time.
Does anybody have any ideas on this? Or know when QB plans on implementing type-ahead search in grid edits so I can completely avoid this whole thing? Haha.
Elena Larrabee
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
If I am correctly, understanding what you were trying to accomplish, then there is my favorite technique called User Focus which could make this work.
The user would launch off a button on the pull list items. The button would populate the User Focus record for the current user with the Focus master inventory record I'd ie, the one that the pull list is a child of.
That would put the master item in focus and hence all it's children Master Subs, via a lookup and then via a summary field would put all the sub inventory items in focus which belong to any Master Sub which is in focus.
Then the user would be landed in a grid edit form which is driven by a dedicated form to limit the drop down choices for Sub items which are in Focus.
If that approach sounds like it could work then we could either very slowly try to work through the steps to do this via this forum or else get on a consulting call for an hour and knock it off together.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ElenaLarrabee12 years agoQrew Captain
Ah, amazing, thank you Mark! Knocking it out in an hour sounds great. I'll PM you to schedule?
Elena Larrabee
------------------------------- Gary12 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
I was really hoping you'd hash it out here. I just made popcorn.